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Welcome to Light Your Path- your source for healing, growth, transformation, and spiritual guidance!


Here, you will discover a range of services to empower yourself, including Empowerment Soul Coaching, Reiki Energy Healing, and Psychic Medium Energy Readings. It is my mission to walk with you along your spiritual path and help you shine the light of your inner wisdom!









Empowerment Coaching Learn Moe

EmpoweRmeNt SouL CoAchiNg

Are you tired of feeling stuck in life, constantly searching for clarity and purpose? Are you tired of doors slamming in your face, leaving you feeling frustrated and confused? Do you feel like you're lost, missing joy and purpose? It sounds like you need an Empowerment Soul Coach!


Empowerment Soul Coaching is uniquely designed to help provide guidance on your journey to clarity, confidence and becoming empowered! This will be an opportunity to connect with your Spiritual Team as you receive healing in a safe and supportive environment. You will learn how to strengthen your intuition, and how to overcome the barriers that are getting in your way of success and happiness.


Are you ready to take the next step towards lighting your path in life?

3 Month

Ideal for individuals who are looking for guidance and coaching as they work towards

one larger goal.



*Payment Plans Available

  • One Zoom Call per month (includes psychic reading) and weekly check-in emails to help you stay on track.

  • Get clear on your goals and receive tools to help you achieve them.

  • Understand your thinking habits and learn to challenge negative self-talk.

  • Includes the 30 Day Challenge PLUS The Empowerment Workbook!


6 Month

Ideal for individuals who are looking for coaching and guidance as they continue their spiritual healing journey.



*Payment Plans Available

  • Everything included in the 3 Month coaching package


  • Discover your mental blocks and learn how to overcome them.

  • Learn how to connect with your Spiritual Team and Higher Self and enhance your intuitive abilities.

  • Feel motivated by discovering your life's purpose through discovering your passions and your authentic self.




12 Month

Ideal for those who are looking for a complete overhaul and are looking to discover the new and improved version of themselves!



*Payment Plans Available

  • Everything included in the 6 Month coaching package

  • Receive 12 one-hour Reiki healing sessions (in person or virtual)- that's one Reiki session per month!

  • Explore a variety of unique holistic and spiritual practices that enhance your healing and growth

  • Learn about your Inner Child, Higher Self, Spiritual Team, the Chakra system, and more!






YouR SpirituAl AwakEninG RoadMap

Discover Empowerment with

Sacred Soul Mapping


Through this mini Empowerment Soul Coaching special service, explore your personal energetic blueprint to help you navigate your Spiritual Awakening. This 1-hour session will give you the basic tools and resources for your journey and help you understand your Soul Contract.


Looking to discuss which coaching package is right for you?

Schedule a FREE 15 minute discovery call!

Reiki Energy Healing Service

ReiKi EneRgY HeAliNg


Do you struggle putting yourself first and making time for self-care? Are you looking to release stress, anxiety, pain, and discomfort? Are you ready to feel rejuvenated and full of energy and motivation? Then it's time to book a Reiki appointment!


Often times our symptoms (anxiety, fatigue, depression, physical pain, etc.) are enhanced because of stuck and stagnant energy that is trapped in the body. Reiki Energy Healing is an alternative holistic therapy that helps clear this energy out, leaving you feeling lighter with reduced symptoms and improved well-being.


During these sessions, Sydney channels the Reiki energy to provide healing on a mental, physical, and spiritual level.


Are you ready to step into healing and relaxation?

Psychic Medium Energy Reading Service

PsYcHic MediuM ReadiNg


Are you looking for psychic guidance and insight? Do you want to connect with your Spiritual Team and loved ones who have crossed over? Are you looking to understand and explore your intuition and spiritual gifts?


Psychic Medium Energy Readings are available to help you receive guidance and clarity on your path, to receive messages from passed loved ones or from your Spiritual Team, and to provide you with a sense of comfort and validation.

Looking for a group reading? Contact me for details!

Two Is Better Than One!

Can't decide between Reiki and a Psychic Medium Energy Reading?

Why not book a 1-hour Reiki & A Reading!



HavE a QuicK QUestioN?


Have one quick open-ended (not yes or no) question you're looking for guidance on? This mini-reading is perfect for getting a quick response for your smaller questions!

GiVe thE GiFt oF EmpoweRmeNt

Looking to give the perfect gift?

Give the gift of empowerment with this selection of gift certificates!

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